Killing of Ibex Ethiopian Restaurant owner in Nashville believed to be targeted
March 20,2017
Ethiopian community in different cities is recurrently affected by murder that shocks the community.
Last month, Noah Ashene was stabbed to death in a jewelry store, where he worked, in Memphis -Tennessee , in front of his toddler in what looked like a robbery killing. The 21 years old killer, Jesse Slade, is reportedly behind bars.
And yesterday, news of another killing of Ethiopian is reported in Nashville,about four hours drive from Memphis.
Gitem Demissie, owner of Ibex Ethiopian Restaurant, was shot multiples of times overnight as he was getting ready to close his restaurant overnight in what seemed to be a targeted killing, according to report by News Channel 5.
Police apparently responded to a call and he was taken to Vanderbilt University Medical Center but it was late as he was pronounced dead.
Not much information is available about the killer as yet. But from the report, it seems that someone was nearby when the crime was committed.
“The shooter was described as a masked gunman wearing a black long sleeve shirt and black jeans. A witness said the suspect went up to Demissie, shot him multiple times, and fled from the building. The witness added the man had light skin and a thin build, and he stood around 5’7’’ tall,” wrote News Channel 5.
Crime Stoppers would like to hear from anyone with information about the shooting at 615-742-7463
Apparently, Girum lived in Nashville for ten years owned a convenience store before started a restaurant business sometime in 2015. He was 41.
Dr. Mesfin is serves at Ethiopian Orthodox Church in Nashville and he told News Channel reporter that Gitem Demissie deserve this.
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